Slovenský jazyk English Magyar

Winter sports of Janka & Karol

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Flying on the path

Flying on the path

Happy landing

Happy landing

Janka - fast like a lightning

Janka - fast like a lightning

Will I break ?

Will I break ?

Janka completely snowy

Janka completely snowy

Happy Janka

Happy Janka



Ice-skater I.

Ice-skater I.

Ice-skater II.

Ice-skater II.

(Un)ice-skater I.

(Un)ice-skater I.

(Un)ice-skater II.

(Un)ice-skater II.

We run for healthy

We run for healthy

We lie (?) for healthy

We lie (?) for healthy

Skier Janka

Skier Janka

Janka on the ski

Janka on the ski

Karol on the ski

Karol on the ski

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