Slovenský jazyk English Magyar

Donovaly - 2008

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On a holiday at Donovaly together with our family.

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The gate to Donovaly

The gate to Donovaly



We are trying a sledge

We are trying a sledge

Janka - the skier

Janka - the skier

Zsolti and Lacko before snowboarding

Zsolti and Lacko before snowboarding

Zsolti and Lacko after snowboarding :-)

Zsolti and Lacko after snowboarding :-)

The view from Nova Hola

The view from Nova Hola

Suzy takes care of Richard

Suzy takes care of Richard

Michael and Richard love each other

Michael and Richard love each other

Zuzka is preparing a cake

Zuzka is preparing a cake

Richard the Viking

Richard the Viking

We enjoy ourselves

We enjoy ourselves

Michael is viking, too

Michael is viking, too

Janka with Richard

Janka with Richard

Suzy and Zsolti

Suzy and Zsolti

Richard - the cosmonaut

Richard - the cosmonaut



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